Tuesday, May 4, 2010

dance, poetry, and our fragile planet

Today’s post comes to us from Jayne Wenger, co-director/dramaturg for Deborah Slater’s production of Men Think They Are Better Than Grass, and last seen at Z Space directing Anne Galjour’s You Can’t Get There From Here. We’re glad to have her back!

First day In the theater! After years of planning and thinking (and dreaming) this is exhilarating.


We have a crack design and technical team when we walked into the theater it was already amazing! Mikiko's set is starting to emerge and fill the huge space that is Theater Artaud. I love working here, this space is venerable and the vibe is great. Welcoming and professional, and fun too. I wonder who won that ping pong game that was happening in the lobby?

The space itself can feel so vast and empty, but suddenly, as we are doing a work through with all of the elements, music, environmental sound, video and most importantly, the dancers - the space is filled with their movement and it is no longer empty feeling. It is warm, and rocking and alive. Our 'script' - consisting of 17 poems written by deep ecologist W.S. Merwin is filling the space with words, and Mattias Bossi and Carla Khilsted's musical compositions are beautiful and evocative. For Deborah and myself - it is the culmination of a long journey.

This week is National Dance Week, so we had company in the theater on our first rehearsal! I grumbled a little (yep, just a little) when I realized that we would have guests, but - It turned out to be great to have on-lookers and when Deborah and I took a break and did a brief Q and A with them, it was rewarding to hear their sincere response to the work. They seemed to get what we were up to, and it was clear that they really enjoyed being with us in the very early stages of tech rehearsal.

We heard from several people that they loved the movement and choreography and that they were moved by the poetry. That was heartening for us, and i'm glad that they came and shared those hours with us. Their presence was a bonus!

After more than two years of working with ideas, it is rewarding to get some feedback - and not from friends! One man told me that he was deeply moved during several of the poems. That is what we are striving for, to make our audience feel deeply, think deeply about our fragile planet.

We have the benefit of brilliant poetry read by some of the Bay Area's finest talent. Each week in rehearsal I've had a different favorite poem! Brenda Wong Aoki's reading of "Calling To A Distant Animal" moves me every time I hear it.

Technically, things are in better shape than we might have expected for a show with so many elements. Thanks in large part to Joanne Bender, the production and company manager and her knack for getting people in the right place at the right time. We had the expected glitches with equipment along the way, a video snafu here and there, but nothing that Elaine Buckholtz can't handle!

I'm looking forward to the continuation of Tech Week, it really beats the hell out of American Idol. Extreme Talent, Focus and Imagination! More to come!

-Jayne Wenger

Men Think They Are Better Than Grass runs now through May 9. Click here for tickets.

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