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Z Space: a place for art... and ping pong

Today I decided to give thanks for Lisa Steindler, who personally takes it upon herself to bring in flowers for the office and lobby of our space. She’s the Executive Artistic Director, and she finds time to pay attention to the little things.
As I thought about it, I realized that I had never before played Ping Pong with my boss until I came to Z Space. One morning, shortly after arriving at the office, Lisa, myself, James Faerron, and Mark Jackson, grabbed some paddles and played an uproarious game of ‘extreme’ Ping Pong – essentially the same rules as regular Ping Pong except we enthusiastically used more surfaces than just the Pong table, i.e. the walls. I think it was the best time I’ve had participating in anything that’s considered an Olympic sport.
Yes, Z Space has a Ping Pong table. Jealous? Don’t be! Come play with us! But watch out for Jack Morse, our Patron Services Manager, he’s the office shark when it comes to Ping Pong. He’s awfully friendly, but can hit a Ping Pong like nobody’s business.
Well, it’s back to work now. I was just sitting here, lost in thoughts about projected costs, software upgrades, patron development, etc.. when I noticed the roses sitting on the table by the front door, and I thought it would be a good time to stop and smell them, as it were. - Cris McKinney, Administrative Coordinator
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